Personal data
Name: László Bencs
Place of birth: Budapest, Hungary
Workplace: Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP),
Address: H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Education and qualifications
1987-92. Major: Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques at University of Veszprém, Hungary.
1992. Diploma in chemical engineering at University of Veszprém (supervisor: Dr. Iván Fehér)
1994-97. Postgraduate (PhD) course at the Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences (ELTE), Budapest (supervisor: Prof. Ottó Szakács)
2000. PhD in Chemistry at ELTE
2011. Habilitation at RISSPO
2019. DSc in Chemistry at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
1992-1998. Research assistant at Research Laboratory for Crystal Physics (RLCP) of the HAS
1999-2011. Research fellow at Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics (RISSPO) of the HAS (the legal successor of RLCP)
2001. Oct. - 2003. March: Postdoctoral research fellow at the Micro and Trace Analysis Centre (MiTAC), Department of Chemistry, Campus Drie Eiken, University of Antwerp (UA) (18 months)
2003- Leader of the chemical laboratory at RISSPO
2003. Nov. - 2007. Aug.: Guest researcher at MiTAC, UA (4-times 3 months, 1 time 7 months)
2008. Nov. - 2011. June: Guest researcher at MiTAC, UA (32 months)
2012. January - 2019. September: Senior researcher at Wigner RCP
2019. October – Scientific advisor at Wigner RCP
1995. Optical Emission Spectroscopy laboratory practice for undergraduate chemist students at ELTE.
2001- Supervisor/consultant of students (8 PhD + 2 MSc) at UA, RISSPO and Wigner RCP.
2017- Laboratory Project I. and II. for chemical engineer (MSc) students at BME.
2023- Individual Project laboratory practice for chemical engineer (MSc) students at BME.
Other appointments and affiliations
Current research interest
Total number: 15 (Hungarian: OTKA: 6, GINOP: 2; Belgian (Flanders): AWI: 1, VMM: 1, BELSPO: 2, MET/US: 1, Bilateral: 1, EC: 1)
Total number: 105, /Peer reviewed journal articles: 70, Book: 1 (multi-authored); Book-chapters: 7, Research reports: 27 (of which 17 is undisclosed)/.
Updated: July 5th, 2024.