
For a more detailed and up-to-date list of publications please visit the Depository of Hungarian Scientific Works

Underlined authors are employees of the Institute. To reach the DOI-links subscription might be necessary!



1. Boross P, Asbóth JK, Szechenyi G, Oroszlany L, Palyi A: Poor man's topological quantum gate based on the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. PHYS REV B 100:4 045414 pp. 1-10 (2019) DOI
2. Diósi L: Spontaneous wave function collapse with frame dragging and induced gravity, QUANT REP 1:2 277-286 (2019) DOI
3. Lorz L, Meyer-Scott E, Nitsche T, Potoček V, Gábris A, Barkhofen S, Jex I, Silberhorn Ch: Photonic quantum walks with four-dimensional coins. PHYS REV RESEARCH 1:3 033036 pp. 1-19 (2019) DOI
4. Malachov M, Jex I, Kálmán O, Kiss T: Phase transition in iterated quantum protocols for noisy inputs. CHAOS 29:3 033107 pp. 1-6 (2019) DOI
5. Mogyorosi G, Ádám P, Molnar E, Mechler M: Single-step quantum state engineering in traveling optical fields. PHYS REV A 100:1 013851 pp. 1-9 (2019) DOI
6. Pyshkin PV, Sherman EYa, Wu Lian-Ao: Quantum mechanics and speed limit of ultrafast local control in spin chains. PHYS REV A 100:6 063401 pp. 1-6 (2019) DOI
7. Pyshkin PV, Sherman EYa, Wu Lian-Ao: Non-adiabatic transformation of a spin-chain geometry via local control. ACTA PHYS POL A 135:6 1198-1203 (2019) DOI
8. Sajid M, Asbóth JK, Meschede D, Werner RF, Alberti A: Creating anomalous Floquet Chern insulators with magnetic quantum walks. PHYS REV B 99:21 214303 pp. 1-19 (2019) DOI
9. Szarvas T, Kis Z: Application of the pseudospectral method to the finite difference frequency domain method. J OPT SOC AM B 36:2 333-345 (2019) DOI
10. Zhu GY, Kálmán O, Wang KK, Xiao L, Qu DK, Zhan X, Bian ZH, Kiss T, Xue P: Experimental orthogonalization of highly overlapping quantum states with single photons. PHYS REV A 100:5 052307 pp. 1-5 (2019) DOI


11. Kovács L, Nagy D, Szakály M, Hömöstrei M, Ispánovity PD, Asbóth J, Tüzes D, Jenei P: Ifjú Fizikusok Nemzetközi Versenye 2018 – magyar szemmel – 1. rész (International young physicists’ tournament 2018 from Hungarian perspective – Part 1., in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 69:6 201-208 (2019) REAL-J

Se also:

  Kocsor L et al., CRYSTALS 9:7 334 pp. 1-15 (2019) DOI
  Kocsor L et al., in: Interdiszciplinaritás a Kárpát-medencében I: Külhoni magyar doktorandusz hallgatók konferencia-előadásaiból. Ed.: Boda A, ELTE Márton Áron Szakkollégium, Budapest, Hungary (2019) pp. 393-404



1. Blair EP, Tóth G, Lent CS: Entanglement loss in molecular quantum-dot qubits due to interaction with the environment. J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 30:19 195602/1-7 (2018) DOI
2. Kálmán O, Kiss T: Quantum state matching of qubits via measurement-induced nonlinear transformations. PHYS REV A 97:3 032125/1-10 (2018) DOI
3. Lange K, Peise J, Lücke B, Kruse I, Vitagliano G, Apellaniz I, Kleinmann M, Tóth G, Klempt C: Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes. SCIENCE 360:6387 416-418 (2018) DOI
4. Mogyorósi G, Molnár E, Mechler M, Ádám P: Single-step traveling-wave quantum state engineering in the coherent state representation. J RUSS LASER RES 39:5 448-455 (2018) DOI
5. Molnár E, Ádám P, Mogyorósi G, Mechler M: Quantum state engineering via coherent-state superpositions in traveling optical fields. PHYS REV A 97:2 023818/1-11 (2018) DOI
6. Nitsche T, Barkhofen S, Kruse R, Sansoni L, Štefaňák M, Gábris A, Potoček V, Kiss T, Jex I, Silberhorn C: Probing measurement-induced effects in quantum walks via recurrence. SCI ADV 4:6 eaar6444/1-9 (2018) DOI
7. Pyshkin PV, Gábris A, Kálmán O, Jex I, Kiss T: Quantum state identification of qutrits via a nonlinear protocol. J RUSS LASER RES 39:5 456-464 (2018) DOI
8. Pyshkin PV, Sherman EY, You JQ, Wu L-A: High-fidelity non-adiabatic cutting and stitching of a spin chain via local control. NEW J PHYS 20:10 105006/1-11 (2018) DOI
9. Szalay V, Viglaska D, Rey M: Internal- and rho-axis systems of molecules with one large amplitude internal motion: The geometry of rho. J CHEM PHYS 149:24 244118/1-24 (2018) DOI
10. >Szarvas T, Kis Z: Numerical simulation of nonlinear second harmonic wave generation by the finite difference frequency domain method. J OPT SOC AM B 35:4 731-740 (2018) DOI
11. Tóth G, Vértesi T: Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology. PHYS REV LETT 120:2 020506/1-6 (2018) DOI
12. Vitagliano G, Colangelo G, Ciurana FM, Mitchell MW, Sewell RJ, Tóth G: Entanglement and extreme planar spin squeezing. PHYS REV A 97:2 020301/1-6 (2018) DOI

Conference proceedings

13. Szarvas T, Kis Z: Simulation of nonlinear photonic crystals by modified finite difference frequency domain method. In: Proc. Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, Washington, DC, United States, 16–20 September 2018. OSA Technical Digest (2018), FTh3B.6. DOI


14. Ádám P, Messina A: Editorial (Eulogy of József Janszky). J RUSS LASER RES 39:5 421-421 (2018) DOI

See also: Apellaniz I et al, PHYS REV A 97:5 053603/1-17 (2018)



1. Ádám P, Andreev VA, Isar A, Man'ko MA, Man'ko VI: Minimal sets of dequantizers and quantizers for finite-dimensional quantum systems. PHYS LETT A 381:(34) 2778-2782 (2017) DOI
2. Ádám P, Andreev VA, Man’ko MA, Man’ko VI: Nonnegative discrete symbols and their probabilistic interpretation. J RUSS LASER RES 38:(6) 491-506 (2017) DOI
3. Apellaniz I, Kleinmann M, Guhne O, Tóth G: Optimal witnessing of the quantum Fisher information with few measurements. PHYS REV A 95:(3) 032330/1-13 (2017) DOI
4. Asbóth JK, Alberti A: Spectral flow and global topology of the Hofstadter butterfly. PHYS REV LETT 118:(21) 216801/1-5 (2017) DOI
5. Mráz A, Kis Z, Imre S, Gyongyosi L, Bacsardi L: Quantum circuit-based modeling of continuous-variable quantum key distribution system. INT J CIRC THEOR APP 45:(7) 1017-1028 (2017) DOI
6. Rakovszky T, Asbóth JK, Alberti A: Detecting topological invariants in chiral symmetric insulators via losses. PHYS REV B 95:(20) 201407/1-6 (2017) DOI
7. Szalay V: Eckart ro-vibrational Hamiltonians via the gateway Hamilton operator: Theory and practice. J CHEM PHYS 146:(12) 124107/1-18 (2017) DOI
8. Torres JM, Bernád JZ, Alber G, Kálmán O, Kiss T: Measurement-induced chaos and quantum state discrimination in an iterated Tavis-Cummings scheme. PHYS REV A 95:(2) 023828/1-9 (2017) DOI
9. Vitagliano G, Apellaniz I, Kleinmann M, Lücke B, Klempt C, Tóth G: Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing of unpolarized states. NEW J PHYS 19:(1) 013027/1-11 (2017) DOI
10. Koniorczyk M, Kiss T, Ádám P: Wigner-függvények a kvantumoptikában (Wigner functions in quantum optics, in Hungarian). TERMÉSZET VILÁGA 148:(11) 492-494 (2017)

Conference proceedings

11. Nitsche T, Kruse R, Sansoni L, Štefaňák M, Kiss T, Jex I, Barkhofen S, Silberhorn C: Probing the measurement process in DTQW via recurrence. In: Proc. CLEO: Science and Innovations, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (San Jose (CA), USA, 14-19 May 2017) OSA Publishing, Washington, Paper JW2A.27
12. Korsós Á, Bacsárdi L, Kis Zs: An analysis of entanglened-based solutions on Earth-satellite channel. In: H-Space 2017 Proc 3rd International Conference on Research, Technology and Education of Space Budapest, Hungary, 09-10 February 2017 Eds.: Bacsárdi L, Kovács K, Magyar Asztronautikai Társaság, Budapest, ISBN:9789637367120, 2017. pp. 37-38
See also: 3. Kijatkin C et al.



1. Ádám P, Andreev VA, Isar A, Man’ko VI, Man’ko MA: Star product, discrete Wigner functions, and spin-system tomograms. THEOR MATH PHYS+ 186:(3) 346-364 (2016) DOI
2. Bodog F, Ádám P, Mechler M, Santa I, Koniorczyk M: Optimization of periodic single-photon sources based on combined multiplexing. PHYS REV A 94:(3) 033853/1-10 (2016) DOI
3. Ádám P, Andreev VA, Isar A, Man’ko MA, Man’ko VI: Continuous sets of dequantizers and quantizers for one-qubit states. J RUSS LASER RES 37:(6) 544-555 (2016) DOI
4. Kálmán O, Darázs Z, Brennecke F, Domokos P: Magnetic-noise-spectrum measurement by an atom laser in gravity. PHYS REV A 94:(3) 033626/1-8 (2016) DOI
5. Szarvas T, Kis Z: Optimization of a T-shaped optical grating for specific applications. OPT ENG 55:(7) 077103/1-8 (2016) DOI
6. Groh T, Brakhane S, Alt W, Meschede D, Asbóth JK, Alberti A: Robustness of topologically protected edge states in quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms. PHYS REV A 94:(1) 013620/1-15 (2016) DOI

Mugel S, Celi A, Massignan P, Asbóth JK, Lewenstein M, Lobo C: Topological bound states of a quantum walk with cold atoms. PHYS REV A 94:(2) 023631/1-16 (2016) DOI

8. Gilyén A, Kiss T, Jex I: Exponential sensitivity and its cost in quantum physics. SCI REP 6: 20076/1-10 (2016) DOI

Conference proceedings

9. Bacsardi L, Kis Zs, Imre S: Second generation QKD system over commercial fibers. In: 24th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2016, 29 August-2 September 2016, Budapest, Hungary. IEEE New York, pp. 488-492 (2016) DOI
10. Schranz Á, Udvary E, Kis Zs: Photon statistics determination for single photon based quantum key distribution. In: Proc. 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Trento, Italy, 10-07-2016 – 14-07-2016. Eds.: Ferrari M, Dorosz D, Marciniak M, Tu.P.12 (4 pages) (2016) DOI


11. Asbóth JK, Oroszlány L, Pályi A: A short course on topological insulators: Band-structure topology and edge states in one and two dimensions. Springer Verlag, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 1-180 (2016) DOI


12. Asbóth J, Iglói F: A 2016. évi Fizikai Nobel-díj (The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 66:(11) 358-364 (2016)
See also:  8. Oláh É. et al.
4. Mandula G. et al.
3. Sinkovicz P. et al.