
For a more detailed and up-to-date list of publications please visit the Depository of Hungarian Scientific Works

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1. Bortel G, Faigel G, Tegze M, Angelov B: Fast inside-source X-ray fluorescent holography. J SYNCHROTRON RADIAT 26: 170-174 (2019) DOI
2. Faigel Gy: Szerkezetmeghatározás egyetlen, 100 fs-os röntgenimpulzusból (Structure determination from a single 100 fs X-ray pulse, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 69:1 17-21 (2019) REAL-J
3. Földes D, Kováts É, Bortel G, Jakab E, Pekker S: A metal-organic framework with paddle-wheel Zn-2(CO2)(4) secondary building units and cubane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid linkers. PERIOD POLYTECH-CHEM 63:3 365-369 (2019) DOI
4. Gránásy L, Tóth GyI, Warren JA, Podmaniczky F, Tegze Gy, Rátkai L, Pusztai T: Phase-field modeling of crystal nucleation in undercooled liquids – A review. PROG MATER SCI 105: 100569 pp. 1-51 (2019) DOI
5. Henry H, Tegze G: Kinetics of coarsening have dramatic effects on the microstructure: Self-similarity breakdown induced by viscosity contrast. PHYS REV E 100:1 013116 pp. 1-10 (2019) DOI
6. McGlynn JC, Dankwort T, Kienle L, Bandeira NAG, Fraser JP, Gibson EK, Cascallana-Matías I, Kamarás K, Symes MD, Miras HN, Ganin AY: The rapid electrochemical activation of MoTe2 for the hydrogen evolution reaction. NAT COMMUN 10:1 4916 pp. 1-9 (2019), author correction: NAT COMMUN 10:1 5336 (2019) DOI
7. Németh G, Datz D, Pekker Á, Saito T, Domanov O, Shiozawa H, Lenk S, Pécz B, Koppa, P, Kamarás K: Near-field infrared microscopy of nanometer-sized nickel clusters inside single-walled carbon nanotubes. RSC ADVANCES 9:59 34120-34124 pp. 1-5 (2019) DOI
8. Pekker S: From methyl radical to polyacetylene: Size-dependent structural properties of linear polyenes. J NANOSCI NANOTECHNOL 19:1 400-406 (2019) DOI
9. Rátkai L, Pusztai T, Gránásy L: Phase-field lattice Boltzmann model for dendrites growing and moving in melt flow. npj COMPUT MATER 5: 113 pp. 1-10 (2019) DOI
10. Schoeppler V, Lemanis R, Reich E, Pusztai T, Gránásy L, Zlotnikov I: Crystal growth kinetics as an architectural constraint on the evolution of molluscan shells. PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 116: 201907229 pp. 1-10 (2019) DOI



1. Buglyó P, Kacsir I, Kozsup M, Nagy I, Nagy S, Bényei AC, Kováts É, Farkas E: Tuning the redox potentials of ternary cobalt(III) complexes containing various hydroxamates. INORG CHIM ACTA 472: 234-242 (2018) DOI
2. Csősz G, Márkus BG, Jánossy A, Nemes NM, Murányi F, Klupp G, Kamarás K, Kogan VG, Bud'ko SL, Canfield PC, Simon F: Giant microwave absorption in fine powders of superconductors. SCI REP-UK 8: 11480/1-9 (2018) DOI
3. Du M, Yao M, Dong J, Ge P, Dong Q, Kováts É, Pekker S, Chen S, Liu R, Liu B, Cui T, Sundqvist B, Liu B: New ordered structure of amorphous carbon clusters induced by fullerene-cubane reactions. ADV MATER 30:22 1706916/1-7 (2018) DOI
4. Gorkhover T et al. incl. Faigel Gy [38 authors]: Femtosecond X-ray Fourier holography imaging of free-flying nanoparticles. NATURE PHOTONICS 12:3 150-153 (2018) DOI
4. Henry H, Tegze G: Self-similarity and coarsening rate of a convecting bicontinuous phase separating mixture: Effect of the viscosity contrast. PHYS REV FLUIDS 3:7 074306/1-9 (2018) DOI
5. Márkus BG, Csősz G, Sági O,  Gyure-Garami B, Lloret V, Wild S, Abellan G, Nemes NM, Klupp G, Kamarás K, Hirsch A, Hauke F, Simon F: Electronic properties of air-sensitive nanomaterials probed with microwave impedance measurements. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI 255:12 1800250/1-7 (2018) DOI
6. Marozsán N, Horváth H, Kováts É, Udvardy A, Erdei A, Purgel M, Joó F: Catalytic racemization of secondary alcohols with new (arene)Ru(II)-NHC and (arene)Ru(II)-NHC-tertiary phosphine complexes. MOL CATAL 445: 248-256. (2018) DOI
7. Schoeppler V, Gránásy L, Reich E, Poulsen N, Kloe R, Cook P, Rack Al, Pusztai T, Zlotnikov I: Biomineralization as a paradigm of directional solidification: a physical model for molluscan shell ultrastructural morphogenesis. ADV MATER 30:45 1803855/1-8 (2018) DOI
8. Szekrényes Zs, Nagy PR, Tarczay Gy, Maggini L, Bonifazi D, Kamarás K: Direction-dependent secondary bonds and their stepwise melting in a uracil-based molecular crystal studied by infrared spectroscopy and theoretical modelling. CHEM PHYS LETT 691: 163-168 (2018) DOI
9. Tegze M, Bortel G: Incorporating particle symmetry into orientation determination in single-particle imaging. ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A 74: 512-517 (2018) DOI


10. Kamarás K: Nanotartályok és nanoállványok (Nanocontainers and nanoscaffolds, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 68:1 8-10 (2018) REAL-J
11. Pekker S, Földes D, Kováts É, Bortel G, Jakab E: Új szerves-fémkoordinációs vázszerkezetek (New metal organic frameworks, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 68:1 11-15 (2018) REAL-J
12. Pusztai T: Anyagtudomány számítógéppel - 1. rész (Computational materials science – Part 1, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 68:6 188-192 (2018) REAL-J
13. Pusztai T, Rátkai L, Gránásy L: Anyagtudomány számítógéppel - 2. rész (Computational materials science – Part 2, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 68:7-8 241-245 (2018) REAL-J
See also: Beke D. et al. J PHYS CHEM C 122:46 26713-26721 (2018) DOI
Dravecz G et al. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS 20:19 13419-13429 (2018) DOI



1. Chelwani N, Hoch D, Jost D, Botka B, Scholz J-R, Richter R, Theodoridou M, Kretzschmar F, Böhm T, Kamarás K, Hackl R: Off-axis parabolic mirror optics for polarized Raman spectroscopy at low temperature. APPL PHYS LETT 110:(19) 193504/1-4. (2017)
2. Datz D, Németh G, Tóháti HM, Pekker Á, Kamarás K: High-resolution nanospectroscopy of boron nitride nanotubes. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B 254:(11) 1700277/1-4. (2017)
3. Németh G, Datz D, Tóháti HM, Pekker Á, Otsuka K, Inoue T, Maruyama S, Kamarás K: Nanoscale characterization of individual horizontally aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B 254:(11) 1700433/1-4 (2017)
4. Korbuly B, Pusztai T, Tóth GyI, Henry H, Plapp M, Gránásy L: Orientation-field models for polycrystalline solidification: grain coarsening and complex growth forms. J CRYST GROWTH 457: 32-37 (2017)
5. Korbuly B, Pusztai T, Henry H, Plapp M, Apel M, Gránásy L: Grain coarsening in two-dimensional phase-field models with an orientation field. PHYS REV E 95:(5) 053303/1-12 (2017)
6. Korbuly B, Plapp M, Henry H, Warren JA, Gránásy L, Pusztai T: Topological defects in two-dimensional orientation-field models for grain growth. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 96:(5) 052802/1-15 (2017)
7. Matyuska F, Szorcsik A, May NV, Dancs Á, Kováts É, Bényei A, Gajda T: Tailoring the local environment around metal ions: A solution chemical and structural study of some multidentate tripodal ligands. DALTON T 46:(26) 8626-8642 (2017)
8. Podmaniczky F, Tóth GI, Tegze G, Pusztai T, Gránásy L: Phase-field crystal modeling of heteroepitaxy and exotic modes of crystal nucleation. J CRYST GROWTH 457: 24-31 (2017)
9. Podmaniczky F, Tóth GyI, Tegze Gy, Gránásy L: Hydrodynamic theory of freezing: Nucleation and polycrystalline growth. PHYS REV E 95:(5) 052801/1-8 (2017)
10. Rátkai L, Tóth GyI, Környei L, Pusztai T, Gránásy L: Phase-field modeling of eutectic structures on the nanoscale: the effect of anisotropy. J MATER SCI 52: 5544-5558 (2017)
11. Tóháti HM, Pekker Á, Andričević P, Forró L, Náfrádi B, Kollár M, Horváth E, Kamarás K: Optical detection of charge dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3/carbon nanotube composites. NANOSCALE 9:(45) 17781-17787 (2017)
12. Tomović AŽ, Savić JJ, Bakić NLj, Bortel G, Faigel G, Zikic R, Jovanović VP: Oxidized pentacene micro-rods obtained by thermal annealing of pentacene thin films in air. VACUUM 144: 36-42 (2017)
13. Tóth GI, Selvag J, Kvamme B: Phenomenological continuum theory of asphaltene-stabilized oil/water emulsions. ENERG FUEL 31:(2) 1218-1225 (2017)
14. Walker KE, Rance GA, Pekker Á, Tóháti HM, Fay MW, Lodge RW, Stoppiello CT, Kamarás K, Khlobystov AN: Growth of carbon nanotubes inside boron nitride nanotubes by coalescence of fullerenes: Toward the world's smallest coaxial cable. SMALL METHODS 1:(9) UNSP 1700184/1-9 (2017)
15. Gránásy L: Számítógépes anyagtudomány: tûkristályoktól a komplex polikristályos alakzatokig (Computational materials science: from needle crystals to complex polycrystalline forms, in Hungarian). FIZIKAI SZEMLE 67:(12) 403-406. (2017)

Conference proceedings

16. Podmaniczky F, Tóth GI, Gránásy L: Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in a hydrodynamic theory of freezing. In: Proceedings of SP’17 the 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing (Old Windsor, UK, 25-28 July 2017) Ed.: Fan Z, London: Brunel University, ISBN:978-1-908549-29-7, 2017. pp. 22-25
See also: 1. Beke D. et al.
2. Beke D. et al.



1. Bortel G, Faigel G, Tegze M, Chumakov A: Measurement of synchrotron-radiation-excited Kossel patterns. J SYNCHROTRON RADIAT 23: 214-218 (2016) DOI
2. Faigel G, Bortel G, Tegze M: Experimental phase determination of the structure factor from Kossel line profile. SCI REP-UK 6: 22904/1-8 (2016) DOI
3. Ho PJ, Knight C, Tegze M, Faigel G, Bostedt C, Young L: Atomistic three-dimensional coherent x-ray imaging of nonbiological systems. PHYS REV A 94:(6) 063823/1-14 (2016) DOI
4. Müller C, Németh K, Vesztergom S, Pajkossy T, Jacob T: The interface between HOPG and 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium hexafluorophosphate. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS 18:(2) 916-925 (2016) DOI
5. Németh G, Datz D, Tóháti HM, Pekker Á, Kamarás K: Scattering near-field optical microscopy on metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotube bundles in the infrared. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B 253:(12) 2413-2416 (2016) DOI
6. Oszlányi G, Sütő A: Volumic omit maps in ab initio dual-space phasing. ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A 72:(4) 480-488 (2016) DOI
7. Parajdi-Losonczi PL, Bényei AC, Kováts É, Timári I, Muchova TR, Novohradsky V, Kasparkova J, Buglyó P: [(η6-p-cymene)Ru(H2O)3]2+ binding capability of aminohydroxamates - A solution and solid state study. J INORG BIOCHEM 160: 236-245 (2016) DOI
8. Pekker Á, Németh G, Botos Á, Tóháti HM, Borondics F, Osváth Z, Biró LP, Walker K, Khlobystov AN, Kamarás K: Cloaking by π-electrons in the infrared. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B 253:(12) 2457-2460 (2016) DOI
9. Podmaniczky F, Tóth GI, Pusztai T, Gránásy L: Investigating nucleation using the phase-field method. J INDIAN I SCI 96:(3) 161-178 (2016) LINK
10. Quintavalle D, Márkus BG, Jánossy A, Simon F, Klupp G, Gyori MA, Kamarás K, Magnani G, Pontiroli D, Riccò M: Electronic and ionic conductivities in superionic Li4 C60. PHYS REV B 93:(20) 205103/1-8 (2016) DOI
11. Saftics A, Kurunczi S, Szekrényes Zs, Kamarás K, Khánh NQ, Sulyok A, Bősze Sz, Horvath R: Fabrication and characterization of ultrathin dextran layers: time dependent nanostructure in aqueous environments revealed by OWLS. COLLOID SURFACE B 146: 861-870 (2016) DOI
12. Spina M, Náfrádi B, Tóháti HM, Kamarás K, Bonvin E, Gaal R, Forró L, Horváth E: Ultrasensitive 1D field-effect phototransistors: CH3NH3PbI3 nanowire sensitized individual carbon nanotubes. NANOSCALE 8:(9) 4888-4893 (2016) DOI
13. Tegze M, Bortel G: Coherent diffraction imaging: Consistency of the assembled three-dimensional distribution. ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A 72:(4) 459-464 (2016) DOI
14. Toth GI: Phase-field modeling of isothermal quasi-incompressible multicomponent liquids. PHYS REV E 94:(3) 033114/1-9 (2016) DOI
15. Tóth GI, Zarifi M, Kvamme B: Phase-field theory of multicomponent incompressible Cahn-Hilliard liquids. PHYS REV E 93:(1) 013126/1-13 (2016) DOI

Book chapter

16. Apel M, Spatschek R, Roters F, Larsson H, Gandin C-A, Guillemot G, Podmaniczky F, Gránásy L, Schmitz GJ, Chen Q: Microstructure Modeling. In: Schmitz GJ, Prahl U (eds.): Handbook of Software Solutions for ICME. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (ISBN:978-3-527-33902-0) pp. 269-323 (2016) DOI

See also: 1. Beke D. et al.