
For a more detailed and up-to-date list of publications please visit the Depository of Hungarian Scientific Works

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1. Kiss N, Haluszka D, Lőrincz K, Gyöngyösi N, Bozsányi S, Bánvölgyi A, Szipőcs R, Wikonkál N: Quantitative analysis on ex vivo nonlinear microscopy images of basal cell carcinoma samples in comparison to healthy skin. PATHOL ONCOL RES 25:3 1015-1021 (2019) DOI
2. Ralovich FV, Kiss N, Horváth K, Kárpáti S, Medvecz M: Az Ehlers–Danlos-szindrómák korszerű osztályozása és multidiszciplináris tünettana (Up-to-date classification and multidisciplinary symptomatology of Ehlers–Danlos syndromes, in Hungarian). ORVOSI HETILAP 160:16 603-612 (2019) DOI



1. Kiss N, Haluszka D, Lőrincz K, Gyöngyösi N, Bozsányi S, Bánvölgyi A, Szipőcs R, Wikonkál N: Quantitative analysis on ex vivo nonlinear microscopy images of basal cell carcinoma samples in comparison to healthy skin. PATHOL ONCOL RES (2018) DOI
2. Kiss N, Haluszka D, Lőrincz K, Kuroli E, Hársing J, Mayer B, Kárpáti S, Fekete G, Szipőcs R, Wikonkál N, Medvecz M: Ex vivo nonlinear microscopy imaging of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome-affected skin. ARCH DERMATOL RES 310:5 463-473 (2018) DOI
3. Kiss N, Krolopp Á, Lőrincz K, Bánvölgyi A, Szipőcs R, Wikonkál N: Stain-free histopathology of basal cell carcinoma by dual vibration resonance frequency CARS microscopy. PATHOL ONCOL RES 24:4 927-930 (2018) DOI
4. Ozsvár A, Szipőcs R, Ozsvár Z, Baka J, Barzó P, Tamás G, Molnár G: Quantitative analysis of lipid debris accumulation caused by cuprizone induced myelin degradation in different CNS areas. BRAIN RES BULL 137: 277-284 (2018) DOI

Conference proceedings

5. Kiss N, Haluszka D, Lőrincz K, Bozsányi S, Wikonkál N, Szipőcs R: Quantitative analyses on second harmonic generation microscopy images of collagen in ex vivo basal cell carcinoma samples in comparison to normal skin. In: Clinical and Translational Biophotonics, Proc Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics Congress 2018, (Microscopy/Translational/Brain/OTS), Hollywood, United States, 3–6 April 2018, OSA Publishing (2018) Paper: JW3A.12 DOI
6. Molnár G, Krolopp A, Kiss N, Tamás G, Szipőcs R: Interferometric spectral modulation of sub-100-fs pump pulses for high chemical contrast, background free, real time CARS imaging. In: Clinical and Translational Biophotonics, TRANSLATIONAL 2018 Washington, Amerikai Egyesült Államok : Optical Society of America (OSA), (2018) Paper: JTh3A.29 DOI



1. Lőrincz K, Haluszka D, Kiss N, Gyöngyösi N, Bánvölgyi A, Szipőcs R, Wikonkál NM: Voluntary exercise improves murine dermal connective tissue status in high-fat diet-induced obesity. ARCH DERMATOL RES 309:(3) 209-215 (2017)



1. Krolopp Á, Csákányi A, Haluszka D, Csáti D, Vass L, Kolonics A, Wikonkál N, Szipőcs R: Handheld nonlinear microscope system comprising a 2 MHz repetition rate, modelocked YB-fiber laser for in vivo biomedical imaging. BIOMED OPT EXPRESS 7:(9) 3531-3542 (2016) DOI
2. Haluszka D, Lőrincz K, Kiss N, Szipőcs R, Kuroli E, Gyöngyösi N, Wikonkál NM: Diet-induced obesity skin changes monitored by in vivo SHG and ex vivo CARS microscopy. BIOMED OPT EXPRESS 7:(11) 4480-4489 (2016) DOI

Conference proceedings

3. Grósz T, Kovács AP, Szipőcs R: Ultra-broadband dielectric beam steering mirrors for in vivo nonlinear microscopy: how mirror performance affects imaging quality and laser safety issues? In: Proc. Optical Interference Coatings 2016, 19–24 June 2016, Tucson, Arizona, United States, OSA Washington, 2016, JTu3A.55 3 pages DOI
4. Szipőcs R, Krolopp Á, Csákányi A, Haluszka D, Vass L, Wikonkál N: FiberScope: an optical fiber laser based, handheld 3D nonlinear microscope system for in vivo diagnostic applications in dermatology and nanomedicine. In: Proc. Biomedical Optics 2016 25 April 2016 - 28 April 2016, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. OSA Washington, 2016, JTu3A.55 3 pages DOI