Laser applications and optical measurement technique
Project staff
One of the main activities of this group is the development of PC controlled air- and liquid-borne particle counters. In these instruments the determination of the size distribution and concentration of the particles is based on laser light scattering. A new airborne particle counter with a modular measuring head with increased sensitivity, better signal/noise ratio and improved signal evaluation system was developed last year. The APC-01-02 particle counter can also be used with a built-in PC and has its own display. The lower size limit of this device is 0.2 micron, which can be measured in a wide concentration range – 10 – 3 000 000 particles/litre.
A portable battery operated note-book PC-controlled airborne particle counter PAPC-03-2 was developed for determination of the size distribution and concentration of sub-micron- and micron-range particles in air and in gases at low and high concentrations (see picture).
A portable liquid-borne particle counter LQB-1-200 has also been developed.
A new forward-backward scattering laser particle studying method was developed for sizing, counting and estimation of the complex refractive index of aerosol particles in the sub-micron and micron size-range in collaboration with the University of Vienna. For modelling of this method a new algorithm is proposed, and a new software was created for data evaluation.
A measuring head, based on the above mentioned method is constructed and calibrated for various particles. The results show a number of benefits of the new method in comparison with the previous airborne counting methods.
New results were obtained in using the previously developed high resolution sampling laser interferometer. The mechanical transient phenomena studied by this device provide the determination and analysis of the displacement and vibration parameters of the mechanical system with high resolution and precision.
Work in the field of integrated optical sensor for the revelation of laser radiation, its presence and direction of propagation has been finished.
Theoretical work has been done for the study of the statistics of scattered intensities. Findings of the computational model were proved by experiments. Technical criteria of sensors have been specified.
The measuring system for the standardles determination of the quantum efficiency of the photon counting detectors using entangled photon pairs was developed. This method is based on the generation of non-classical quadrature squeezed light by non-collinear parametric down-conversion.
Further information:
Aladár Czitrovszky, E-mail:
Péter Jani, E-mail:
Optical Thin Films
The thin film group is the only native research group of optical coatings used in ultraviolet, visible and infrared lasers in Hungary. The custom designed optical interference coatings are synthetized and analyzed with a self-written computer software and are deposited by reactive, electron-beam vacuum evaporation technology. The most important realized optical coatings are the following: multilayer resonator mirrors and antireflection coatings of noble gas-, metal-vapor-, solid state-, excimer- and dye lasers; front-polarizers, band-edge filters, analytical interference filters, transparent and electrically conducting coatings (ITO), surface guided-wave layers.
Further Information:
Kárpát Ferencz, E-Mail:
Relevant publications
A. Czitrovszky, P.Jani. New design for a light scattering airborne particle counter and its application, Optical Engineering 32, 2557 - 2562 (1993).
A. Czitrovszky, P. Jani, Application examples of APC-03-2 and APC-03-2A; Airborne Particle counters in a highly contaminated environment, Journal of Aerosol Science 26, 793-794 (1995).
A. Czitrovszky: Development of instruments and methods for aerosol measurements in the Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, J. of Aerosol Science, 32, 1029-1030 (2001)
A. Nagy, W.W. Szymanski*, A. Czitrovszky, C. Schindler*, P. Jani: Modelling of a dual wavelength optical system for the estimation of the refractive index of aerosol particles in APC, J. of Aerosol Science, 32, 1028-1029 (2001)
A. Nagy, W.W. Szymanski*, A. Czitrovszky, P. Jani: Modelling of a new optical aerosol particle analyser for the simultaneous measurement of size, complex refractive index and density, J. of Aerosol Science, 32, S83-S86 (2001)
P. Jani, Z. Lipp. A. Nagy, A. Czitrovszky: Propagation delay statistics of scattered intensities, J. of Aerosol Science, 32, S87-S88 (2001)
P. Jani, A. Nagy, Z. Lipp, A. Czitrovszky: Simultaneous velocity and size measurement of-particles in photon correlation experiments: SPIE V. 4416 pp. 236-240. 2001.
A. Nagy, W.W. Szymanski, A. Czitrovszky, P. Jani: Modelling of a new optical aerosol particle analyzer for the simultaneous measurement of size, complex refractive index and density, J. of Aerosol Science V. 32. p. 83-85. 2001.
P. Jani, Z. Lipp, A. Nagy, A. Czitrovszky: Propagation delay statistics of scattered intensities, J. of Aerosol Science V. 32. p. 87-89. 2001.
P. Jani, M. Koniorczyk, A. Nagy, A. Czitrovszky: Probability distribution of scattered intensities, J. of Aerosol Science V. 32. p. 563-565. 2001.
P. Jani, M. Koniorczyk, A. Nagy, Z.Lipp, B. Bartal, A. László, A. Czitrovszky: Probability distribution of scattered intensities, (Paper in print) J. of Aerosol Science, 2001.
P. Apai, S. Lakó, R. Szipőcs, M.B. Danailov*: Broad-band photorefractive phase conjugation in a dispersive scheme. Laser Physics 10, 444-448 (2000).
R. Szipőcs*, A. Euteneuer*, E. Finger*, M. Hofmann*, A. Kőházi-Kis*: Multi-color, mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with zero pulse jitter. Laser Physics 10, 454-457 (2000).
R. Szipőcs, A. Kőházi-Kis*, S. Lakó, P. Apai, A. P. Kovács*, G. DeBell*, L. Mott*, A. W. Louderback*, A.V. Tikhonravov*, M.K. Trubetskov*: Negative Dispersion Mirrors for Dispersion Control in Femtosecond Lasers: Chirped Dielectric Mirrors and Multi-cavity Gires-Tournois Interferometers. Appl. Phys. B70, S51-S57 (2000).
R. Szipőcs, A. Kőházi-Kis*, P. Apai, E. Finger*, A. Euteneuer*, M. Hofmann*: Spectral filtering of femtosecond laser pulses by interfernce filters. Appl. Phys. B70, S63-S66 (2000).
I. Pócsik, M. Koós and O. Berkesi: The Consequences of Decreasing Particle Size on The Raman Spectroscopy of Carbons In: Nanostructured Carbon for Advanced Applications, Ed. by G. Benedek, P. Milani and V.G. Ralchenko; NATO Science Series II. Vol. 24., Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York 2001. pp. 169-176.
I. Pócsik and M. Koós: Consequences of Size-Effect and Spectral Inhomogenity on Raman and Photoluminescence Spectra of a-C:H. Diamond and Related Materials Vol. 10, No. 2, PP. 161-167, 2001.
O. Krafcsik, G. Vida, I. Pocsik, K.V. Josepovits, P. Deak: Carbon diffusion through SiO2 from a hydrogenated amorphous carbon layer and accumulation at the SiO2/Si interface
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 40 (4A): 2197-2200 APR 2001.
M. Koós, M. Veres, M. Füle and I. Pócsik: Ultraviolet photoluminescence and its relation to atomic bonding properties of hydrogenated amorphous carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, Accepted for publication, 2001.
G. Cerullo*, M. Nisoli*, S. Stagira*, S. De Silvestri*, G. Tempea*, F. Krausz*, K. Ferencz: Mirror-dispersion-controlled OPA: a compact tool for sub-10-fs spectroscopy in the visible. Applied Physics B, Lasers and Optics B70, 253-259 (2000)
Conference proceedings
A. Czitrovszky, A. Nagy, P. Jani, K. Bodnár, Á. Illés: On-line aerosol measurement in the Codex_B4C test, "Nuclear Fission" Operational safty of existing installations, IPSN-DRS /SEMAR 01/75 SAM-COLOSS-M008, pp. 35-40, Budapest, 3-4 July 2001.
M. Koós, M. Füle, M. Veres, S. Tóth and I. Pócsik: Composite Character of the Photoluminescence In Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films, 19th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors, 27-31 August 2001, Nice, France
L. Nánai, M. Füle, K. Bali, M. Veres, M. Koós and I. Pócsik: Optical Strength in UV Region of Amorphous Carbon, 12th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 2-7 September 2001, Budapest, Hungary.
M. Veres, M. Koós and I. Pócsik: IR Study of the Formation Process of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Film, 12th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 2-7 September 2001, Budapest, Hungary
M. Koós, M. Füle, M. Veres, S. Tóth and I. Pócsik: Multi Band Structure Of Amorphous Carbon Luminescence, 12th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 2-7 September 2001, Budapest, Hungary
P. Apai, N. Nubhash*, M.B. Danailov*: Up-converted fluorescence in a Nd:YVO4 laser. In: "Kvantumelektronika 2000", Proc. of the 4th National Symposium on Quantum Electronics (3 November, 2000, Budapest), Ed. S. Varró (SZFKI, Budapest 2000), P16 (in Hungarian)