Recent research projects:
- Development of solid and solution sampling based atomic spectrometry methods for the analysis of the composition of optical crystals grown in the department.
- Improvement of the Electrolyte Cathode Atmospheric Glow Discharge (ELCAD) to on-line monitor the elemental composition of river and lake sediments.
- Elaboration of analytical methods to investigate the composition, adsorption/ion exchange and dissolution characteristics of volcanic raw materials.
- Varian SpectrAA-20 flame atomic absorption spectrometer
- AnalytikJena ContrAA-700 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with graphite furnace, flame and quartz cell atomizers, hydride and cold vapour generation device
- Electrothermal vaporizer (Perkin-Elmer HGA-800)
- KERN 770 electronic analytical balance
- Sartorius SE2 microbalance
- Drying ovens (LMIM LP-321, Binder FD-23, Venticell 55)
- KDCH precision oven (microprocessor controlled, programmable)
- Precision pH meter
- Millipore SAS Elix® Essential water purifier