Dr. ÉBER Nándor  honlapja                                                    English


Dr. Nándor ÉBER, C.Sc., PhD

Fizikus, tudományos főmunkatárs

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia

Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont

Szilárdtestfizikai és Optikai Intézet

Komplex Folyadékok Osztály

Részben Rendezett Rendszerek kutatócsoport

1525, Budapest, Pf. 49

Tel: (+36-1) 392-2630,  Fax: (+36-1) 392-2215











Kutatási irányok:


Elektrokonvekció nematikus folyadékkristályokban

Flexoelektromosság folyadékkristályokban


Hajlott törzsű nematikus folyadékkristályok tulajdonságai

Folyadékkristályvegyületek és elegyek jellemzése

Lineáris elektromechanikai effektus királis szmektikusokban

Királis szmektikus C* folyadékkristályok spontán polarizácója

Folyadékkristályok elektro- és magnetooptikája

Folyadékkristályok dielektromos tulajdonságai

Mintázatképződés megszilárdulásnál

Koleszterikus folyadékkristályok termomechanikai csatolása

Fénnyel vezérelt deformációk folyadékkristályokban

Instabilitások koleszterikus folyadékkristályokban

Szén nanocső/epoxy kompozitok 

Hibahelyek folyadékkristályokban





Elektrokonvekció nematikus folyadékkristályokban

N. Éber, P. Salamon and Á. Buka: Electrically induced patterns in nematics and how to avoid them, Liquid Crystals Reviews 4 (2), 101-134 (2016). [pdf]

N. Éber, P. Salamon, B. A. Fekete, R. Karapinar, A. Krekhov, and Á. Buka: Suppression of spatially periodic patterns by dc voltage, Phys. Rev. E 93, 042701 (2016). [pdf]

Ying Xiang, Meng-jie Zhou, Ming-Ya Xu, Péter Salamon, Nándor Éber, and Ágnes Buka: Unusual polarity-dependent patterns in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal under low-frequency ac field. Phys. Rev. E 91, 042501 (2015) [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, B. Fekete, and Á. Buka: Inhibited pattern formation by asymmetrical high-voltage excitation in nematic fluids. Phys. Rev. E 90, 022505/1-5 (2014) [pdf]

A. Krekhov, W. Decker, W. Pesch, N. Éber, P. Salamon, B. Fekete, and Á. Buka: Patterns driven by combined ac and dc electric fields in nematic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E 89, 052507/1-9  (2014) [pdf]

Ying Xiang, Yi-Kun Liu, Ágnes Buka, Nándor Éber, Zhi-Yong Zhang, Ming-Ya Xu, and Everett Wang: Electric-field-induced patterns and their temperature dependence in a bent-core liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 89, 012502/1-9 (2014) [pdf]

N. Éber, P. Salamon, B. Fekete, T. Tóth-Katona, R. Karapinar, M. Sacks, Á. Buka: Electroconvection in a Nematic Liquid Crystal under Superposed AC and DC Electric Voltages, In. Proceedings of the 15th Small Triangle Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Stará Lesná, October 27-30, 2013, J. Buša, M. Hnatič and P. Kopčanský (eds.), IEP SAS, Košice, 2014, pp. 46-51. [pdf]

A. Jákli and N. Éber, Chapter 24, Electromechanical effects in liquid crystals, In Eds. J. W. Goodby, P. J. Collings, T. Kato, C. Tschierske, H. F. Gleeson, P. Raynes, Handbook of Liquid Crystals, 2nd Edition, Vol. 8. Applications of Liquid Crystals. Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2014, pp. 751-772

P. Salamon, N. Éber, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Flashing flexodomains and electroconvection rolls in a nematic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 87, 032505/1-10 (2013) [pdf]

Á. Buka, T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, A. Krekhov and W. Pesch, Chapter 4. The role of flexoelectricity in pattern formation. , In Flexoelectricity in Liquid Crystals. Theory, Experiments and Applications, Eds. Á. Buka and N. Éber,  Imperial College Press, London, 2012. pp. 101-135

N. Éber, L.O. Palomares, P. Salamon, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Competition between Electric Field Induced Equilibrium and Dissipative Patterns at Low Frequency Driving in Nematics. Invited talk at the 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Mainz, August 19th - 24th, 2012. [pdf]

N. Éber, L.O. Palomares, P. Salamon, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Temporal evolution and alternation of mechanisms of electric field induced patterns at ultra-low-frequency driving. Phys. Rev. E 86, 021702/1-9 (2012). [pdf]

N. Éber, P. Salamon and Á. Buka: Competition between Electric Field Induced Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Patterns at Low Frequency Driving in Nematics. In Proceedings of the 13th Small Triangle Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Stará Lesná, November 14-16, 2011, J. Busa, M. Hnatic and P. Kopcansky (eds.), IEP SAS, Kosice, 2012, pp. 56-63. [pdf]

L.E. Aguirre, E. Anoardo, N. Éber and Á. Buka: Regular structures in 5CB liquid crystals under the joint action of ac and dc voltages. Phys. Rev. E 85, 041703/1-9 (2012)  [pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, and Á. Buka: Temporal response to harmonic driving in electroconvection. Phys. Rev. E 83, 061704/1-8 (2011)  [pdf]

P. Kumar, J. Heuer, T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, and Á. Buka: Convection-roll instability in spite of a large stabilizing torque. Phys. Rev. E 81, 020702(R)/1-4 (2010)  [pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, Á. Buka: Flexoelectricity in electroconvection. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 511, 11-24 (2009)  [pdf]

S. Tanaka, H. Takezoe, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, and Á. Buka: Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of bent-core and calamitic molecules. Phys. Rev. E 80, 021702/1-8 (2009)  [pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, Á. Buka, A. Krekhov: Flexoelectricity and competition of time scales in electroconvection, Phys. Rev. E 78, 036306/1-12 (2008)  [pdf]

Krekhov, W. Pesch, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, Á. Buka: Nonstandard electroconvection and flexoelectricity in nematic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E, 77, 021705/1-11 (2008)  [pdf]

Á. Buka, N. Éber, W. Pesch, L. Kramer: Isotropic and anisotropic electroconvection. Phys. Reports, 448, 115-132 (2007)  [pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, A. Cauquil-Vergnes, N. Éber, Á. Buka: Non-standard electroconvection with Hopf-bifurcation in a nematic with negative electric anisotropies. Phys. Rev. E, 75, 066210/1-12  (2007)  [pdf]

Á. Buka, N. Éber, W. Pesch, L. Kramer: Convective patterns in liquid crystals driven by electric field. In. Self-Assembly, Pattern Formation and Growth Phenomena in Nano-Systems, Eds. A. A. Golovin, A. A. Nepomnyashchy, NATO Science Series II, Mathematica, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 218, Springer, Dordrecht, 2006, pp. 55-82  [pdf]

S.-Q. Zhou, N. Éber, Á. Buka, W. Pesch, G. Ahlers: Onset of electro-convection in homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E, 74, 046211/1-14 (2006)  [pdf]

W. Pesch, L. Kramer, N. Éber, Á. Buka: The Role of Initial Conditions in the Decay of Spatially Periodic Patterns in a Nematic Liquid Crystal. Phys. Rev. E, 73, 061705/1-10 (2006)  [pdf]

D. B. Wiant , J. T. Gleeson , N. Éber , K. Fodor-Csorba , A. Jákli , T. Toth-Katona: Non-Standard Electroconvection in a Bent Core Nematic. Phys. Rev. E, 72, 041712/1-12  (2005)  [pdf]

N. Éber, Á. Buka: Electroconvection in homeotropic nematic liquid crystals. Phase Transitions, 78, 433-442 (2005)  [pdf]

E. Kochowska, N. Éber, W. Otowski, Á. Buka: Square patterns and their dynamics in electroconvection. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 435, 243-253 (2005)  [pdf]

N. Éber, S. A. Rozanski, S. Németh, Á. Buka, W. Pesch, L. Kramer: Decay of spatially periodic patterns in a nematic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E , 70, 061706/1-8 (2004)  [pdf]

N. Éber, Sz. Németh, A. G. Rossberg, L. Kramer, Á. Buka: Magnetic Field Effects on the Thresholds of a Sequence of Transitions in the Electroconvection of a Homeotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal. Phys. Rev. E 66, 036213/1-8 (2002)  [pdf]

P. Tóth, N. Éber, T.M. Bock, Á. Buka, L. Kramer, Dynamics of defects in electroconvection patterns. Europhys. Lett., 57 (6), 824-830 (2002)  [pdf]

Á. Buka, T. Börzsönyi, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona: Patterns in the bulk and at the interface of liquid crystals. In Coherent Structures in Complex Systems: Selected Papers of the XVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Held at Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 5-9 June 2000, Eds. David Reguera, Luis López Bonilla, José-Miguel Rubí, Springer, 2001, Lecture Notes in Physics 567, pp.298-318  [pdf]

J.-H. Huh, Y. Hidaka, Y. Yusril, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, Á. Buka, S. Kai: Prewavy pattern: a director-modulation structure in nematic liquid crystals. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 364, 111-122 (2001)  [pdf]

N. Éber, A. G. Rossberg, Á. Buka, L. Kramer: New Scenarios in the Electroconvection of a Homeotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal.  Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 351, 161-168 (2000)  [pdf]

Á. Buka, P. Tóth, N.Éber, L. Kramer, Electroconvection in homeotropically aligned nematics. Physics Reports, 337, 157-169 (2000)  [pdf]

A. G. Rossberg, N. Éber, Á. Buka, L. Kramer: Abnormal rolls and regular arrays of disclinations in homeotropic electroconvection. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communication, 61, R25-R28 (2000)  [pdf]

M. Treiber, N. Éber, Á. Buka, L. Kramer: Travelling waves in electroconvection of the Nematic Phase 5: A test of the week electrolyte model, J. Physique II, 7, 649-661 (1997)  [pdf]



Flexoelektromosság folyadékkristályokban

W. Pesch, A. Krekhov, N. Éber and Á. Buka, Nonlinear analysis of flexodomains in nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 98, 032702 (2018) [pdf]

N. Éber, Y. Xiang, and Á. Buka: Bent core nematics as optical gratings, J. Mol. Liq. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2017.09.025

Ying Xiang, Hong-Zhen Jing, Zhi-Dong Zhang, Wen-Jiang Ye, Ming-Ya Xu, Everett Wang, Péter Salamon, Nándor Éber, and Ágnes Buka: Tunable optical grating based on the flexoelectric effect in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, 064032 (2017). [pdf]

N. Éber, P. Salamon and Á. Buka: Electrically induced patterns in nematics and how to avoid them, Liquid Crystals Reviews 4 (2), 101-134 (2016). [pdf]

N. Éber, P. Salamon, B. A. Fekete, R. Karapinar, A. Krekhov, and Á. Buka: Suppression of spatially periodic patterns by dc voltage, Phys. Rev. E 93, 042701 (2016). [pdf]

Ming-Ya Xu, Meng-jie Zhou, Ying Xiang, Péter Salamon, Nándor Éber, and Ágnes Buka: Domain structures as optical gratings controlled by electric field in a bent-core nematic. Optics Express 23(12), 15224-15234 (2015).

A. Krekhov, W. Decker, W. Pesch, N. Éber, P. Salamon, B. Fekete, and Á. Buka: Patterns driven by combined ac and dc electric fields in nematic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E 89, 052507/1-9  (2014) [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, Á. Buka, T. Ostapenko, S. Dölle, and R. Stannarius: Magnetic control of flexoelectric domains in a nematic fluid. Soft Matter 10, 4487-4497 (2014) [pdf]

A. Jákli and N. Éber, Chapter 24, Electromechanical effects in liquid crystals, In Eds. J. W. Goodby, P. J. Collings, T. Kato, C. Tschierske, H. F. Gleeson, P. Raynes, Handbook of Liquid Crystals, 2nd Edition, Vol. 8. Applications of Liquid Crystals. Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2014, pp. 751-772

P. Salamon, N. Éber, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Flashing flexodomains and electroconvection rolls in a nematic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 87, 032505/1-10 (2013) [pdf]

A. Jákli and N. Éber, Soft materials for linear electromechanical energy conversion. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2(1), 120-124 (2013) [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Flashing flexodomains and electroconvection rolls in a nematic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 87, 032505/1-10 (2013) [pdf]

N. Éber, Appendix A. Measured Flexoelectric Coefficients of Nematic Liquid Crystals, In Flexoelectricity in Liquid Crystals. Theory, Experiments and Applications, Eds. Á. Buka and N. Éber,  Imperial College Press, London, 2012. pp. 249-265

Á. Buka, N. Éber (Eds.): Flexoelectricity in Liquid Crystals. Theory, Experiments and Applications, Imperial College Press, London, 2012

A. Jákli, J. Harden and N. Éber, Chapter 3. Flexoelectricity of bent-core molecules, In Flexoelectricity in Liquid Crystals. Theory, Experiments and Applications, Eds. Á. Buka and N. Éber, Imperial College Press, London, 2012. pp. 61-99

Á. Buka, T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, A. Krekhov and W. Pesch, Chapter 4. The role of flexoelectricity in pattern formation. , In Flexoelectricity in Liquid Crystals. Theory, Experiments and Applications, Eds. Á. Buka and N. Éber,  Imperial College Press, London, 2012. pp. 101-135

Á. Buka, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli and P. Salamon: Physical properties of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal and its mixtures with calamitic molecules. Phase Transitions 85, 872-887, (2012) [pdf]

N. Éber, L.O. Palomares, P. Salamon, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Competition between Electric Field Induced Equilibrium and Dissipative Patterns at Low Frequency Driving in Nematics. Invited talk at the 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Mainz, August 19th - 24th, 2012. [pdf]

N. Éber, L.O. Palomares, P. Salamon, A. Krekhov and Á. Buka: Temporal evolution and alternation of mechanisms of electric field induced patterns at ultra-low-frequency driving. Phys. Rev. E 86, 021702/1-9 (2012). [pdf]

N. Éber, P. Salamon and Á. Buka: Competition between Electric Field Induced Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Patterns at Low Frequency Driving in Nematics. In Proceedings of the 13th Small Triangle Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Stará Lesná, November 14-16, 2011, J. Busa, M. Hnatic and P. Kopcansky (eds.), IEP SAS, Kosice, 2012, pp. 56-63[pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, Á. Buka: Flexoelectricity in electroconvection. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 511, 11-24 (2009)  [pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, Á. Buka, A. Krekhov: Flexoelectricity and competition of time scales in electroconvection, Phys. Rev. E 78, 036306/1-12 (2008)  [pdf]

Krekhov, W. Pesch, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, Á. Buka: Nonstandard electroconvection and flexoelectricity in nematic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E, 77, 021705/1-11 (2008)  [pdf]

A. Jákli, M. Chambers, J. Harden,  M. Madhabi, R. Teeling, J. Kim, Q. Li, G.G. Nair, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt: Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals. Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, San Jose, January 20-24, 2008,  Proc. SPIE Vol. 6911, 691105/1-10 (Jan. 29, 2008).  [pdf]

J. Harden, B. Mbanga, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, S. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jákli: Giant flexoelectricity of bent-core nematic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 157802/1-4 (2006)  [pdf]



T. Tóth-Katona, V. Gdovinová, N. Tomašovičová, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Juríková, V. Závišová, M. Timko, X. Chaud, and P. Kopčanský, Tuning the phase transition temperature of ferronematics with magnetic field,. Soft Matter 14, 1647-1658 (2018). [pdf]

N. Tomašovičová, J. Kováč, V. Gdovinová, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, J. Jadżyn and P. Kopčanský: Alternating current magnetic susceptibility of a ferronematic, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8, 2515-2520 (2017). [pdf]

V. Gdovinová, N. Tomašovičová, N. Éber, P. Salamon, T. Tóth-Katona, V. Závišová, J. Kováč, J. Jadzyn and P. Kopčanský: Ferronematics based on the nematic 6CB in combined electric and magnetic fields, Phase Transitions 90, 790-799 (2017). [pdf]

K. Csach, A. Juríková, J. Miškuf, N. Tomašovičová, V. Gdovinová, V. Závišová, P. Kopčanský, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda: Kinetics of Nematic to Isotropic Phase Transition in Liquid Crystal Doped with Magnetic Nanoparticles, Acta Physica Polonica 131, 949-951 (2017). [pdf]

V. Gdovinová, N. Tomašovičová, V. Závišová, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, F. Royer, D. Jamon, I. Vávra, J. Jadzyn, and P. Kopčanský: Low Magnetic Field Response in Ferronematics, Acta Physica Polonica 131, 934-936 (2017). [pdf]

N. Tomašovičová, J. Kováč, Y. Raikher, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, V. Gdovinová, J. Jadzyn, R. Pinčák, and P. Kopčanský: Biasing a ferronematic – a new way to detect weak magnetic field. Soft Matter 12, 5780-5786 (2016). [pdf]

N. Tomašovičová, M. Timko, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, V. Gdovinová, X. Chaud, and P. Kopčanský: Magnetically Induced Shift of the Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition Temperature in a Mixture of Bent-Core and Calamitic Liquid Crystals Doped with Magnetic Particles, Liquid Crystals, 42, 959-963 (2015). [pdf]

A. Juríková, K. Csach, J. Miškuf, N. Tomašovičová, Z. Mitróová, V. Závišová, M. Koneracká, P. Kopčanský, M. Timko, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda: Thermal Stability of Bent-Core Liquid Crystals Doped with Magnetic Nanoparticles, Acta Phys. Polon. A 127(2), 638-640 (2015). [pdf]

P. Kopčanský, N. Tomašovičová, V. Gdovinová, M. Timko, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, J. Jadzyn, J. Honkonen and X. Chaud: How to Enhance Sensitivity of Liquid Crystals to External Magnetic Field?, Acta Phys. Polon. A 127(2), 157-162 (2015). Acta Phys. Polon. A 127(2), 157-162 (2015) [pdf]

V. Gdovinová, N. Tomašovičová, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, V. Závišová, M. Timko and P. Kopčanský: Influence of the anisometry of magnetic particles on the isotropic–nematic phase transition, Liquid Crystals, 41(12), 1773-1777 (2014). Liquid Crystals, 41(12), 1773-1777 (2014) [pdf]

P. Kopčanský, N. Tomašovičová, M. Timko, V. Gdovinová, T. Tóthkatona, N. Éber, C.-K. Hu, S. Hayryan, X. Chaud: F.1.17. - Increase of the sensitivity of liquid crystals to magnetic field due to doping with magnetic nanoparticles. In. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fundamental and applied MHD, Thermo acoustic and Space technologies, Riga, June 16-20, 2014, pp. 337-341. [pdf]

T. Tóth-Katona, P. Salamon, N. Éber, N. Tomašoviċová, Z. Mitróová, and P. Kopċanský: High concentration ferronematics in low magnetic fields. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 372, 117-121 (2014) [pdf]

N. Tomašoviċová, M. Timko, V. Závišová, M. Koneracká, Z. Mitróová, A. Hashim, M. Rajňák, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, P. Kopċanský: Ferronematics: Combinations of Liquid Crystals with Magnetic Fluids, In Eds. M. Reiffers, P. Rybár, Š. Molokáč, Transformation of Knowledge and Technologies to the Praxis Obtained by Research and Development in the Earth Resources Area. Slovak Physical Society, 2013, pp. 65-73

P. Kopċanský, N. Tomašoviċová, T. Tóth-Katona, N. Éber, M. Timko, V. Závišová, J. Majorošová, M. Rajňak, J. Jadzyn, X. Chaud: Increasing the magnetic sensitivity of liquid crystals by rod-like magnetic nanoparticles. Magnetohydrodynamics 49(3-4), 586-591 (2013) [pdf]

N. Tomašovičová, M. Timko, Z. Mitróová, M. Koneracká, M. Rajňak, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, X. Chaud, J. Jadzyn, and P. Kopčanský: Capacitance changes in ferronematic liquid crystals induced by low magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. E 87, 014501/1-4 (2013) [pdf]

N. Tomasovicová, P. Kopcansky, N. Éber: Chapter 11, Magnetically Active Anisotropic Fluids Based on Liquid Crystals, In Anisotropy Research: New Developments, Ed. H.G. Lemu, Nova Science Publishers, 2012

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, V. Závisová, M. Timko, M. Hnatic, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, J. Jadzyn, J. Honkonen, E. Beaugnon, X. Chaud: Magnetic-field induced isotropic to nematic phase transition in ferronematics. IEEE T. Magn. 47, 4409-4412 (2011)  [pdf]

Z. Mitróová, N. Tomasovicová, M. Timko, M. Koneracká, J. Kovác, J. Jadzyn, I. Vávra, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona, P. Kopcansky: The sensitivity of liquid crystal doped with functionalized carbon nanotubes to external magnetic fields. New J. Chem. 35, 1260-1264 (2011)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, V. Závisová, M. Timko, L. Tomco, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda, J. Jadzyn, E. Beaugnon, X. Chaud: Néel and Brownian rotations in ferronematics. Physics Procedia 9, 82-86 (2010)  [pdf]

Z. Mitróová, M. Koneracká, N. Tomasovicová, M. Timko, J. Jadzyn, I. Vávra, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda, P. Kopcansky: Structural transitions in nematic liquid crystals doped with magnetite functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes. Physics Procedia 9, 41-44 (2010)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, A.V. Kovaľchuk, O.P. Gornitska, V. Vovk,  T.N. Kovaľchuk, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, M. Timko, V. Závisová, J. Jadzyn, N. Éber, I.P. Studenyak: Dielectric spectroscopy of liquid crystal doped with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Physics Procedia 9, 36-40 (2010)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, M. Timko, V. Závisová, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda, J. Jadzyn, E. Beaugnon, X. Chaud: Magnetic Freedericksz transition in liquid crystal doped with gold nanoparticles. Acta Physica Polonica A 118, 988 (2010)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, M. Timko, V. Závisová, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda, J. Jadzyn, E. Beaugnonand, X. Chaud, The structural instabilities in ferronematic based on liquid crystal with negative diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropy. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 322, 3696–3700 (2010)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, V. Závisová, M. Timko, L. Tomco, A. Dzarová, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda, J. Jadzyn: Liquid crystals doped by magnetic nanoparticles. In Nanotech 2009 Vol. 1. Nanotechnology 2009: Fabrication, Particles, Characterization, MEMS, Electronics and Photonics., Taylor&Franzis, 2009, p. 194-197.  

Z. Mitróova, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, V. Závisová, M. Timko, J. Kovac, P. Kopcansky, L. Tomco, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth Katona, A. Vajda, J. Jadzyn, E. Beaugnon, X. Chaud: The structural transitions in a nematics liquid crystal doped with magnetically labeled carbon nanotubes.  Magnetohydrodynamics 45, 353-360 (2009)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, V. Závisová, M. Timko, A. Dzarová, A. Sprincová, L. Tomco, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona,  A. Vajda and J. Jadzyn: The role of shape of fine magnetic particles on structural  transitions in ferronematics. Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Presqu’Ille de Giens, 8-12 September 2008, Vol. 2, p. 691-695.  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, V. Závisová, M. Timko, A. Dzarová, A. Sprincová, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda, J. Jadzyn: Structural changes in the 6CHBT liquid crystal doped with spherical, rodlike, and chainlike magnetic particles.  Phys. Rev. E 78, 011702 (2008)  [pdf]

N. Tomasovisová, P. Kopcansky, M. Koneracká, L. Tomco, V. Závisová, M. Timko, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Tóth-Katona, A. Vajda and J. Jadzyn: The structural transitions in 6CHBT-based ferronematic droplets. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20, 204123/1-5 (2008)  [pdf]

N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, P. Kopcansky, M. Timko, V. Závisová, A. Vajda, K. Fodor-Csorba, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona: The Anchoring Energy of Liquid Crystal Molecules to Magnetic Particles in HAB-Based Ferronematics. Acta Phys. Polon. A, 113, 591-594 (2008)  [pdf]


Hajlott törzsű nematikus folyadékkristályok tulajdonságai

W. Pesch, A. Krekhov, N. Éber and Á. Buka, Nonlinear analysis of flexodomains in nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 98, 032702 (2018)  [pdf]

N. Éber, Y. Xiang, and Á. Buka: Bent core nematics as optical gratings, J. Mol. Liq. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2017.09.025

Ying Xiang, Hong-Zhen Jing, Zhi-Dong Zhang, Wen-Jiang Ye, Ming-Ya Xu, Everett Wang, Péter Salamon, Nándor Éber, and Ágnes Buka: Tunable optical grating based on the flexoelectric effect in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, 064032 (2017). [pdf]

M. Cvetinov, M. Stojanovic, D. Obadovic, I. Ristic, A. Vajda, K. Fodor-Csorba, and N. Eber: Phase behavior and molecular self-assembly of some calamitic/bent-core nematic mixtures, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 630 (1), 28-36 (2016). [pdf]

Miroslav Cvetinov, Maja Stojanović, Dušanka Obadović, Aniko Vajda, Katalin Fodor-Csorba, and Nandor Eber: Broadening of mesophase temperature range induced by doping calamitic mesogen with banana-shaped mesogen, AIP Conf. Proc. 1722, 220008 (2016). [pdf]

A. Juríková, K. Csach, J. Miškuf, N. Tomašovičová, Z. Mitróová, P. Kopčanský, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, and A. Vajda: DSC study of bent-core and rod-shaped liquid crystal mixtures, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 610, 187-192 (2015). [pdf]

Ying Xiang, Meng-jie Zhou, Ming-Ya Xu, Péter Salamon, Nándor Éber, and Ágnes Buka: Unusual polarity-dependent patterns in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal under low-frequency ac field. Phys. Rev. E 91, 042501 (2015) [pdf]

M. Cvetinov, D. Ž. Obadović, M. Stojanović, A. Vajda, K. Fodor-Csorba, N. Eber, and I. Ristić: Phase behaviors of binary mixtures composed of banana-shaped and calamitic mesogens. Chin. Phys. B 23(9), 096402/1-6  (2014) [pdf]

Ying Xiang, Yi-Kun Liu, Ágnes Buka, Nándor Éber, Zhi-Yong Zhang, Ming-Ya Xu, and Everett Wang: Electric-field-induced patterns and their temperature dependence in a bent-core liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 89, 012502/1-9 (2014) [pdf]

M. Cvetinov, D. Obadović, M. Stojanović, A. Vajda, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, I. Ristić: Mesophase behaviour of binary mixtures of bent-core and calamitic compounds. Liquid Crystals 40, 1512-1519 (2013) [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, M. Lehmann, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli, Dielectric technique to measure the twist elastic constant of liquid crystals - The case of a bent-core material. Phys. Rev. E 85, 061704/1-9 (2012) [pdf]

Á. Buka, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli and P. Salamon: Physical properties of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal and its mixtures with calamitic molecules. Phase Transitions 85, 872-887, (2012)  [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, Á. Buka, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli: Dielectric properties of mixtures of a bent-core and a calamitic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 81, 031711/1-11 (2010)  [pdf]

S. Tanaka, H. Takezoe, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, and Á. Buka: Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of bent-core and calamitic molecules.  Phys. Rev. E 80, 021702/1-8 (2009)  [pdf]

A. Jákli, M. Chambers, J. Harden,  M. Madhabi, R. Teeling, J. Kim, Q. Li, G.G. Nair, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt: Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals. Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, San Jose, January 20-24, 2008, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6911, 691105/1-10 (Jan. 29, 2008)  [pdf]

J. Harden, B. Mbanga, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, S. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jákli: Giant flexoelectricity of bent-core nematic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 157802/1-4 (2006)  [pdf]

D. B. Wiant , J. T. Gleeson , N. Éber , K. Fodor-Csorba , A. Jákli , T. Toth-Katona: Non-Standard Electroconvection in a Bent Core Nematic. Phys. Rev. E, 72, 041712/1-12  (2005)  [pdf]

Folyadékkristály vegyületek és elegyek jellemzése

M. Cvetinov, M. Stojanovic, D. Obadovic, I. Ristic, A. Vajda, K. Fodor-Csorba, and N. Eber: Phase behavior and molecular self-assembly of some calamitic/bent-core nematic mixtures, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 630 (1), 28-36 (2016). [pdf]

Miroslav Cvetinov, Maja Stojanović, Dušanka Obadović, Aniko Vajda, Katalin Fodor-Csorba, and Nandor Eber: Broadening of mesophase temperature range induced by doping calamitic mesogen with banana-shaped mesogen, AIP Conf. Proc. 1722, 220008 (2016). [pdf]

A. Juríková, K. Csach, J. Miškuf, N. Tomašovičová, Z. Mitróová, P. Kopčanský, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, and A. Vajda: DSC study of bent-core and rod-shaped liquid crystal mixtures, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 610, 638-640 (2015). [pdf]

A. Juríková, K. Csach, J. Miškuf, N. Tomašovičová, Z. Mitróová, V. Závišová, M. Koneracká, P. Kopčanský, M. Timko, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda: Thermal Stability of Bent-Core Liquid Crystals Doped with Magnetic Nanoparticles, Acta Phys. Polon. A 127(2), 638-640 (2015). [pdf]

M. Cvetinov, D. Ž. Obadović, M. Stojanović, A. Vajda, K. Fodor-Csorba, N. Eber, and I. Ristić: Phase behaviors of binary mixtures composed of banana-shaped and calamitic mesogens. Chin. Phys. B 23(9), 096402/1-6  (2014) [pdf]

M. Cvetinov, M. Stojanović, D. Obadović, S. Rakić, A. Vajda, K. Fodor-Csorba, and N. Éber; Powder Diffraction Data And Mesomorphic Properties of 4-Butyloxyphenyl- 4'-Decyloxy-benzoate. Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 88(7), 1142–1146  (2014) [pdf]

M. Cvetinov, D. Obadović, M. Stojanović, A. Vajda, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, I. Ristić: Mesophase behaviour of binary mixtures of bent-core and calamitic compounds. Liquid Crystals 40, 1512-1519 (2013) [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, M. Lehmann, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli, Dielectric technique to measure the twist elastic constant of liquid crystals - The case of a bent-core material. Phys. Rev. E 85, 061704/1-9 (2012) [pdf]

Á. Buka, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli and P. Salamon: Physical properties of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal and its mixtures with calamitic molecules. Phase Transitions 85, 872-887, (2012) [pdf]

D.Z. Obadović, M. Stojanović, M. Cvetinov, A. Vajda, N. Éber and D. Lazar: The study of phase transition in some irradiated cholesteric liquid crystalline mixtures. Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 85(13), 110-113 (2011) [pdf]

D.Ž. Obadović, M. Stojanović, A. Bubnov, N. Éber, M. Cvetinov, and A. Vajda, Structural studies on different types of ferroelectric liquid crystalline substances, Journal of Research in Physics 35, 3-13 (2011)  [pdf]

D.Z. Obadović, M. Stojanović, S. Jovanović–Santa, M. Cvetinov, D. Lazar, A. Vajda, N. Éber and I. Ristić: Study Of Binary Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Mixtures Doped With Some Chiral Nonmesogenic Estradiol Derivatives. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 547, 46-53 (2011) [pdf]

D.Z . Obadović, M. Stojanović, M. Cvetinov, A. Vajda, N. Éber, and D. Lazar: The influence of x-ray radiation onto the phase transitions of some cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, 21-24 September, 2010, Vol. II., pp. 423-425.  [pdf]

D.Z . Obadović, A. Vajda, A Jákli, A. Menyhárd, M. Kohout, J. Svoboda, M. Stojanović, N. Éber, G. Galli and K. Fodor-Csorba: Mesophase behaviour of binary mixtures of bell-shaped and calamitic compounds. Liquid Crystals 37, 527-536 (2010)  [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, Á. Buka, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli: Dielectric properties of mixtures of a bent-core and a calamitic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 81, 031711/1-11 (2010)  [pdf]

D.Z. Obadović, M. Stojanović , S. Jovanović-Santa, J. Nikolov, D. Lazar, A. Vajda, and N. Éber: Phase transitions temperature shifts in binary cholesteric liquid crystalline mixtures doped with some chiral nonmesogenic additives. J. of Research in Physics, 33, 29-35 (2009) [pdf]

S. Tanaka, H. Takezoe, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, and Á. Buka: Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of bent-core and calamitic molecules.  Phys. Rev. E 80, 021702/1-8 (2009)  [pdf]

D.Z. Obadović, A. Vajda, A. Jákli, M. Kohout, M. Stojanović, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba and G. Galli: Phase sequences of mixtures formed by bell-shaped and calamitic compounds. Journal of Research in Physics, 32 (1), 69-74 (2008)  [pdf]

A. Bubnov, V. Hamplova, M. Kaspar, A. Vajda, M. Garic, D.Z. Obadovic, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba: Thermal analysis of binary liquid crystalline mixtures: system of bent core and calamitic molecules. J. Therm. Anal. and Calorimetry, 90(2), 431-441 (2007)  [pdf]

D.Z. Obadović, M. Garić, S. Jovanović–Santa, D. Lazar, A. Vajda, N. Éber: The Influence of Some D-Seco-Estrone Derivatives onto the Phase Transitions of Binary Mixtures of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals.  Journal of Research in Physics, 30, 131-137 (2006) [pdf]

D.Z. Obadović, M. Stojanović, S. Jovanović–Santa, D. Lazar, A. Vajda, N. Éber:  The Influence of New D-Seco-Estrone Derivatives on the Behaviour of the Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Binary Mixtures. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 20, 2999-3013 (2006)  [pdf]

Gy. Bényei, I. Jalsovszky, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, G. Pelzl, A. Vajda, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba: Structure and properties of new liquid crystalline cubane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid  derivatives. Liquid Crystals, 32, 197-205 (2005)  [pdf]

Ch. Qin, G. Rong, J. Wen, A. Vajda, N. Eber: Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of cholesteryl p-2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoropentoxybenzoate. Liquid Crystals, 31, 1677-1679 (2004)  [pdf]

A. Vajda, V. Hamplova, M. Kaspar, A. Bubnov, D.Z. Obadovic, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba: Structure-property relationship studies on chiral lactic acid derivatives; J. of Research in Physics, 29(2), 107-113 (2003)  [pdf]

A. Vajda, M. Kaspar, V. Hamplova, A. Bubnov, K. Fodor-Csorba, N. Éber: Phase diagrams and physical properties of binary ferroelectric mixtures based on a series of chiral a-cyanocinnamate derivatives. Liquid Crystals, 29, 1347-1354 (2002)  [pdf]

A. Vajda, M. Kaspar, V. Hamplova, S.A. Pakhomov, P. Vanek, A. Bubnov, K. Fodor-Csorba, N. Éber: Synthesis and liquid crystalline properties of (S)-[4-n-alkoxybenzoyloxyphenyl]-4`-[(2-n-alkoxy)propinonyloxy]benzoate. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 365, 569-580 (2001)  [pdf]

J. Szabon, L. Bata, K. Fodor-Csorba, N. Éber, A. Vajda: Chiral esters and their mixtures with stable SC* phase at ambient temperature. Ferroelectrics, 121, 275-284 (1991)  [pdf]

L. Bata, Á. Buka, N. Éber, A. Jákli, K. Pintér, J. Szabon, A. Vajda:  Properties of a homologous series of ferroelectric liquid crystals. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 151, 47-68 (1987)  [pdf]


Lineáris elektromechanikai effektus királis szmektikusokban

A. Jákli and N. Éber, Chapter 24, Electromechanical effects in liquid crystals, In Eds. J. W. Goodby, P. J. Collings, T. Kato, C. Tschierske, H. F. Gleeson, P. Raynes, Handbook of Liquid Crystals, 2nd Edition, Vol. 8. Applications of Liquid Crystals. Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2014, pp. 751-772

A. Jákli and N. Éber, Soft materials for linear electromechanical energy conversion. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2(1), 120-124 (2013) [pdf]

A. Jákli, N. Éber: Piezoelectric effects in liquid crystals. In Modern Topics in Liquid Crystals", Ed. Á. Buka, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, pp. 235-256

N. Éber, L. Bata: Electromechanical effect in an antiferroelectric liquid crystal.  Liquid Crystals, 14, 454-461 (1993)  [pdf]

A. Jákli, N. Éber, L. Bata: Electromechanical effects in ferroelectric liquid crystalline polymers.   Polym. Adv. Technol., 3, 269-274 (1992)  [pdf]

N. Éber, L. Komitov, S. T. Lagerwall, M. Matuszczyk, K. Skarp, B. Stebler: Electrically induced mechanical vibrations of a surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cell. Ferroelectrics, 129, 19-30 (1992)  [pdf]

N. Éber, L. Bata, G. Scherowsky, A. Schliwa: Linear electromechanical effect in a polymeric ferroelectric liquid crystal. Ferroelectrics, 122, 139-147 (1991)  [pdf]

N. Éber, L. Bata, G. Scherowsky, A. Schliwa: Linear electromechanical effect in a polymeric ferroelectric liquid crystal. Report KFKI-1991-07/E  [pdf]

A. Jákli, N. Éber, L. Bata: Influence of zig-zag defects on electromechanical responses of planar SC* liquid crystals. Ferroelectrics, 113, 305-322 (1991)  [pdf]

A. Jákli, N. Éber, L. Bata: Electromechanical effect in surface stabilized and unwound SC* liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals, 5, 1121-1126 (1989)  [pdf]

N. Éber, L. Bata, A. Jákli: Continuum theory of uniformly layered chiral smectics C* in an electromagnetic field. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 142, 15-40 (1987)  [pdf]

N. Éber, A. Jákli: A continuum theory of chiral smectics C*. Part II.: Constitutive equations for chiral smectics C*. Report KFKI-1985-41  [pdf] 

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A. Jákli, L. Bata, Á. Buka, N. Éber: Electromechanical effect in SC* liquid crystals. Report KFKI-1985-105 [pdf] and  Ferroelectrics, 69, 153-163 (1986) [pdf]

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Királis szmektikus C* folyadékkristályok spontán polarizácója

L. Bata, N. Éber, L. A. Beresnev, S. G. Kononov, M. A. Saidakhmetov: Temperature dependence of spontaneous polarization and tilt in a homologous series of smectics C doped with a chiral additive. Phase Transitions, 12, 247-262 (1988)  [pdf]

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L. Bata, Á. Buka, N. Éber, A. Jákli, K. Pintér, J. Szabon, A. Vajda:  Properties of a homologous series of ferroelectric liquid crystals. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 151, 47-68 (1987)  [pdf]

Folyadékkristályok elektro- és magnetooptikája

P. Salamon, N. Éber, M. Lehmann, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli, Dielectric technique to measure the twist elastic constant of liquid crystals - The case of a bent-core material. Phys. Rev. E 85, 061704/1-9 (2012) [pdf]

N. Éber, J. Heuer, R. Stannarius, G. Tátrai, and Á. Buka: Director distortions and singularities in inhomogeneous fields. Phys. Rev. E 81, 051702/1-11 (2010)  [pdf]

A. Jákli, L. Bata, N. Éber: Textures of planar oriented ferroelectric liquid crystals in alternating electric fields. Ferroelectrics, 85, 187-198 (1988)  [pdf]

N. Éber, I. Jánossy: Thickness dependence of threshold field for instabilities in cholesterics.  Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Lett., 49, 137-142 (1979)  [pdf]

Folyadékkristályok dielektromos tulajdonságai

N. Éber, B. Fekete, P. Salamon, Á. Buka, A. Krekhov, ‘Influence of DC voltage on the dielectric properties of nematics’, in Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 1, Dielectric Materials and Applications ISyDMA 2016, Eds. M. E. Achour, R. Touahni, R. Messoussi, M. Elaatmani, M. Ait Ali, Materials Research Forum LLC, Millersville, 2016, pp 42-44. [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, M. Lehmann, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli, Dielectric technique to measure the twist elastic constant of liquid crystals - The case of a bent-core material. Phys. Rev. E 85, 061704/1-9 (2012) [pdf]

Á. Buka, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli and P. Salamon: Physical properties of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal and its mixtures with calamitic molecules. Phase Transitions 85, 872-887, (2012)  [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, M. Lehmann, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli: Dielectric technique to measure the twist elastic constant of liquid crystals - The case of a bent-core material. Phys. Rev. E 85, 061704/1-9 (2012)  [pdf]

P. Kopcansky, A.V. Kovaľchuk, O.P. Gornitska, V. Vovk,  T.N. Kovaľchuk, N. Tomasovicová, M. Koneracká, M. Timko, V. Závisová, J. Jadzyn, N. Éber, I.P. Studenyak: Dielectric spectroscopy of liquid crystal doped with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Physics Procedia 9, 36-40 (2010)   [pdf]

P. Salamon, N. Éber, Á. Buka, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt and A. Jákli: Dielectric properties of mixtures of a bent-core and a calamitic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. E 81, 031711/1-11 (2010)  [pdf]

A. Balogh, N. Éber, L. Bata: Elements of the biaxial dielectric tensor of a smectic C liquid crystal. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 200, 29-32 (1991)  [pdf]

N. Éber: Low frequency dielectric response of chiral smectics C*. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 151, 179-191 (1987)  [pdf]

Mintázatképződés megszilárdulásnál

Á. Buka, T. Börzsönyi, N. Éber, T. Tóth-Katona: Patterns in the bulk and at the interface of liquid crystals. In Coherent Structures in Complex Systems: Selected Papers of the XVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Held at Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 5-9 June 2000, Eds. David Reguera, Luis López Bonilla, José-Miguel Rubí, Springer, 2001, Lecture Notes in Physics 567, pp.298-318  [pdf]

T. Tóth Katona, N. Éber, Á. Buka.: Thermally induced ageing in bicyclohexyl compounds and its influence on the N-SmB phase transition and interface morphology. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 328, 467-478 (1999) Lecture Notes in Physics 567, pp.298-318 [pdf]

Á. Buka, N. Éber: Nonparabolic dendrites of a smectic phase growing into a supercooled nematic. Europhys. Lett., 21, 477-482 (1993)  [pdf]


Koleszterikus folyadékkristályok termomechanikai csatolása

N. Éber, I. Jánossy: Note on "Macroscopic description of compensated cholesterics and chiral smectic liquid crystals". Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Lett., 5, 81-86 (1988)   [pdf]

N. Éber, I. Jánossy: Thermomechanical coupling in compensated cholesterics. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Lett., 102, 311-316 (1984)  [pdf]

N. Éber, I. Jánossy: An experiment on the thermomechanical coupling in cholesterics.  Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Lett., 72, 233-238 (1982)  [pdf]

Optikai átorientálás nematikusokban

L. Csillag, N. Éber, I. Jánossy, N. Kroó, V. F. Kitaeva, N. N. Sobolev: Reorientation of liquid crystals by superposed optical and quasistatic electric fields. Report KFKI-1982-58 [pdf]   and  Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 89, 287-293 (1982)  [pdf]

Hullámosodási instabilitás koleszterikus folyadékkristályokban

N. Éber: Undulation instability in compensated cholesterics. Report KFKI-1984-86  [pdf]

Szén nanocső/epoxy kompozitok

S. Boukheir, Z. Samir, R. Belhimria, L. Kreit, M. E. Achour, N. Éber, L.C. Costa, A. Oueriagli and A. Outzourhit: Electric Modulus Spectroscopic Studies of the Dielectric Properties of Carbon Nanotubes/Epoxy Polymer Composite Materials, J. Macromol. Sci. Part B 57, 210-221 (2018). [pdf]

R. Belhimria, S. Boukheir, Z. Samir, A. Len, M. E. Achour, N. Éber, L. C. Costa, A. Oueriagli: Fractal Approach to Alternating Current Impedance Spectroscopy Studies of Carbon Nanotubes/Epoxy Polymer Composites, Appl. Microscopy 47 (3), 126-130 (2017). [pdf]

S. Boukheir, A. Len, J. Füzi, V. Kenderesi, M. E. Achour, N. Éber, L. C. Costa, A. Oueriagli, and A. Outzourhit: Fractal structure and temperature-dependent electrical study of carbon nanotubes/epoxy polymer composites, Spectroscopy Letters 50 (4), 183-188 (2017). [pdf]

S. Boukheir, A. Len, J. Füzi, V. Kenderesi, M. E. Achour, N. Éber, L. C. Costa, A. Oueriagli, A. Outzourhit: Structural characterization and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes/epoxy polymer composites. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 134, 44514 (2017). [pdf]

S.Boukheir, M.E. Achour, Oueriagli, A. Outzourhit, N.Éber, L.C. Costa, ‘Effect of temperature and filler concentration on the electrical parameters of a dispersion of carbon nanotubes in an epoxy matrix’, in Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 1, Dielectric Materials and Applications ISyDMA 2016, Eds. M. E. Achour, R. Touahni, R. Messoussi, M. Elaatmani, M. Ait Ali, Materials Research Forum LLC, Millersville, 2016, pp 45-48. [pdf]


Hibahelyek folyadékkristályokban

P. Salamon, N. Éber, Y. Sasaki, H. Orihara, .Á. Buka, and F. Araoka, Tunable optical vortices generated by self-assembled defect structures in nematics, Phys. Rev. Appl.

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